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The Climate Solutions Lab is a comprehensive project to develop and accelerate practical solutions for adaptation to climate change. It falls within the framework of empowering local communities to adapt to the effects of climate change and encouraging community-led solutions. The main goal of the lab is to accelerate the transition from idea to solution by using an integrative approach that combines technical and academic knowledge with practical experience and tools.

Researchers and people with ideas for adaptation are encouraged to apply for the programme. The program criteria are as follows:

  • This program is designed for teams sized from 3 to 6 people. Individuals who have ideas but do not have a team are encouraged to reach out to the program team.

  • The targeted governorates are Beheira, Qena and Fayoum. It is not necessary for all team members to be from the targeted governorates, but the proposed idea must be in a geographical area within one of those governorates, and one of the team members must be from the targeted governorates.

  • The age range for applicants (all team members must adhere to this) is 23-30 years

Benefits of joining the program will include:

  • Successful applicants will be provided with support to further develop their ideas followed by a training phase from climate and environmental specialists followed by a business model development support phase.

  • At the end of the program, participants' ideas will be ready for investment and implementation.

  • Some innovative, locally led adaptation solutions will be highlighted in the Climate Solutions Briefs to be published in 2024.

  • Participants will be provided with support in raising funds and investments for their project.


February 1st, 2024

Find application form here