LEEP stands for Library and Ecosystem Engagement Platform. The driving force behind LEEP is providing access to the evidence-based knowledge and resources necessary to empower Egyptian changemakers to scale their impact.
We outreach to social entrepreneurs across Egypt to better understand their needs and recognize gaps in the ecosystem. This understanding is further bolstered by national-level data as well as insights from development researchers and practitioners.
We then reach into our trusted network of professionals to create linkages that bridge these gaps, generate growth, facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources, and ultimately leap-frog development solutions for Egypt by catalyzing the impact of the country’s leading social innovators.
Through a unique combination of in-person and online engagement, we foster a collaborative community of Egyptian social innovators and professionals who are passionate about important causes such as the environment, education, health, sustainable urbanism, inclusive growth and a myriad of other topics. We are an interdisciplinary group of passionate and forward-thinking individuals committed to working together to share knowledge and resources that enable us to build a more promising and sustainable future for Egypt.
Learn more about the vision of LEEP through our full-length concept video
Eliminating borders of knowledge exchange by connecting the best of Egypt with the best of the world, and promoting a culture of collaboration.