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Ashden Awards 2022. Climate action at work: Calling all trailblazers

Ashden's mission is to accelerate transformative climate solutions and build a more just world.
Is your organisation leading the way in the green jobs revolution? Are you helping boost green skills and training, create new, decent jobs, and accelerate the transition to a more inclusive, green economy?

We're looking for climate pioneers with climate solutions in the public, private and community sectors to apply for the awards.

Three International awards.
Energising Refugee Livelihoods This award (£25,000) will seek out innovation in systems, technologies and local partnerships that create powerful change for displaced people and host communities in low-income countries.
Energy Access Skills (£25,000) Seeking applicants closing the gap between the education sector and employers, accelerating jobs and skills through innovative partnerships or overcoming barriers to training for excluded groups such as women and rural communities .
Energising Agriculture This award (£25,000) will accelerate work bridging the gap between the agriculture and energy access sectors.

To apply or find out more: