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The Aurora Tech Award is an annual global prize for women founders of tech startups. We believe in breaking down barriers and promoting equality in tech entrepreneurship

Women entrepreneurs in IT face challenges like investor bias, stereotypes, and a lack of role models, limiting their representation. 

According to Crunchbase, only 2.3% of venture funding goes to women-led startups. And we're here to change that! Our mission is to discover hidden gems among startups led by women, providing the support they need to shine brightly. Join us in setting new, fair standards in the venture world.

If you're a woman founder with a tech startup, regardless of the specific industry, and have a functional prototype or an early version of your product, the Aurora Tech Award is just for you. 

We're interested in your company, your journey, and the challenges you've overcome.

Why participate?

Fuel business growth with cash prizes for winners:

  • Connect with a global community of women tech entrepreneurs

  • Amplify brand visibility with PR support for finalists, attracting new audiences, partners, and investors

  • Get valuable feedback from Venture Capital experts and jury members to improve your startup

  • Receive guidance from inDrive's C-level executives and industry experts with a finalist mentorship program

  • Expand your network and gain recognition in the startup world

First prize $30,000

Second prize $20,000

Third prize $10,000

How to apply

  • Follow our template to showcase your startup. Highlight your achievements, challenges, startup details, and your plan for the prize. You can use our design or create yours 
    [download template]

  • Fill out the application form on our website

  • Attach your PDF presentation

  • Submit your application before 1st December and best of luck!

Award calendar

September 5, 2023 Open Call: Application acceptance

December 1, 2023 End of Open Call: Application evaluation on formal criteria, Application evaluation by VC analysts

January 31, 2024 Shortlist Announcement: Mentorship program for the finalists, Evaluation by the Jury members

March 8, 2024 Ceremony and announcement of the winners

Find application form here

Earlier Event: November 30
Later Event: December 3