First Cleantech ClimAccelerator In Egypt!
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to develop your business model through a 3-month free accelerator program. An invigorating programme of training, mentoring, knowledge-sharing, and market/investor linkages designed to build a viable business plan, boost your climate impact and help you secure grants to implement your business plan.
Apply if:
Your enterprise’s main operations are in clean technology that contributes example solar energy wind energy biomass, eco-friendly products/ packages.
You aim to create positive climate change and/or environmental impact through your product offerings, operations, or processes while creating a profit.
You are dedicated and eager to learn, and passionate about your cause.
You have typically been in operation for a minimum of 2 years.
Your business is innovative and unique in some way.
You are comfortable with writing & speak the English language.
You have a sound, technical understanding of your business or idea, but would like to learn more about how to build an effective and sustainable business model for success.
You are committed to our program and attending all the sessions in an engaging way.
Learn more details and apply here!