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Get ready to dive into the world of climate action and innovation where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, brainstorm ideas, and develop sustainable solutions for our planet.

Challenges to be tackled

  1. Power Up: Energising the Future - Energy and Electricity Hackathon

    Energy & Electricity

    This hackathon challenge invites participants to design and develop an energy-efficient solution that addresses the unique energy needs in Cairo, Egypt. The goal is to promote inclusivity and sustainability by providing sustainable and efficient energy solutions tailored to the specific challenges faced by these communities. Ideas could focus on various areas, including land use and spatial planning, mobility, resilience regarding natural hazards, energy for cities, solid-waste management, resource-efficient and green buildings, and water and agriculture. Successful ideas should address Cairo-specific challenges, help mitigate climate change, be sustainable, have a growing market, be profitable, and be customer-centered. The hackathon will culminate in a showcase where participants will present their innovative concepts to a panel of judges.

    Your solution should consider the following aspects:

    Energy Accessibility: Develop a solution that improves access to clean and affordable energy sources for underserved communities. Consider the availability of renewable energy options, off-grid solutions, and alternative energy technologies that can be implemented in resource-constrained environments.

    Community Engagement: Promote inclusivity by involving the community in the design and implementation of the energy solution. Consider their unique needs, cultural practices, and preferences to ensure acceptance and long-term sustainability. Encourage community participation, education, and empowerment in energy management.

    Affordability and Scalability: Design a solution that is cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable to different community sizes and contexts. Consider innovative financing models, such as microgrids or community-based energy cooperatives, to make the solution financially viable and accessible to underserved communities.

    Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Prioritize sustainable energy sources and technologies that minimize environmental impact. Explore energy-efficient practices, smart grid systems, and energy storage solutions to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste.

    Technological Innovation: Embrace cutting-edge technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, or artificial intelligence, to enhance energy management and optimize energy distribution in the solution. Consider how these technologies can improve energy efficiency, monitor consumption patterns, and enable predictive maintenance.

  2. AgroSolutions: ‘’Developing Sustainable Agriculture Practices"

    Food And Agriculture

    This hackathon challenges participants to develop cutting-edge solutions that address critical issues in agriculture and promote a sustainable future for global food systems. Participants will tackle key areas such as precision farming, supply chain optimization, agricultural data analytics, climate resilience, and resource efficiency. They will collaborate, learn from industry experts, and have access to resources to refine their ideas and prototype their solutions. The hackathon will culminate in a showcase where participants will present their innovative concepts to a panel of judges.

Potential Solution Areas:

Sustainable Farming Practices: Develop technologies, techniques, or systems that optimise water usage, reduce chemical inputs, promote soil health, and minimize environmental impact while ensuring high-quality crop yields.

Efficient Resource Utilization: Create innovative solutions that optimise the use of resources such as energy, water, and fertilizers, while reducing waste and minimizing carbon footprint in agricultural operations.

Food Waste Reduction: Design strategies or technologies to reduce post-harvest losses, enhance food preservation, promote efficient storage and transportation, and facilitate redistribution of surplus food to minimize waste.

Enhanced Food Distribution and Supply Chains: Propose solutions to optimize supply chains, improve logistics, reduce food loss during transportation, and ensure fair trade practices, traceability, and transparency in the food system.

Promoting Healthy and Nutritious Diets: Develop tools, apps, or platforms to educate and empower consumers to make informed choices about their diets, encourage sustainable food consumption, and promote healthier eating habits.

Technology and Data-driven Solutions: Leverage emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, or data analytics to address food and agriculture challenges, improve decision-making, enable precision agriculture, or enhance traceability.


Participants are expected to develop a prototype, concept, or solution that addresses the above mentioned solution areas. 

A successful idea has to first help solve the challenges we are facing in Cairo, help climate change, be sustainable (focusing on three pillars: environment, society and economy), has a growing market, profitable and customer-centered. 

Ideas could focus on land use and spatial planning, mobility, resilience regarding natural hazards, energy for cities, solid-waste management, resource-efficient and green buildings, and water and agriculture.

Our purpose is to gather ideas and formulate solutions that are Cairo and climate-focused. 

Evaluation Criteria:

Submissions will be evaluated based on criteria such as:

  • Innovation

  • Feasibility

  • Scalability

  • Potential impact

  • Sustainability

  • and the clarity of presentation.

Additionally, the judges will consider the potential for implementation, market viability, and user experience.


Application deadline: December 17th, 2023

Event dates at iHub Innovation hub: December 21st - December 23rd

Find application form here