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doroob is an integrated support program for empowering future entrepreneurs to develop practical life skills and create social impact. It aims to identify students and recent graduates with innovative ideas that tackle challenges in three economically and socially crucial sectors and support them in building their impact-driven businesses.

The program provides tailored training, dedicated mentoring, network development opportunities, access to workspaces, access to external expertise and technical resources, and direct financial support of 600 Euros/month for each member of the incubator teams so that they are able to dedicate their time, energy and resources to turning their ideas into viable solutions. 

This is the second track of the program that will support idea-stage entrepreneurs in the Agriculture industry.

Doroob is looking for 40 innovative ideas across four challenges

  1. Lack of data and knowledge sharing — Develop a solution to address the significant need for credible and customizable data that fosters knowledge sharing between the agriculture/agri-tech sector stakeholders. Your idea can adopt innovative solutions such as a centralized data platform, localized knowledge hubs, capacity-building programs, customized advisory services, and technology adoption.

  2. Supply chain management — A comprehensive solution is needed to improve supply chain efficiency, reduce losses, and ensure safe and timely crop delivery. Your idea can adopt innovative solutions such as infrastructure upgrades, technology integration, cold chain logistics or market diversification. 

  3. Agriculture waste management — Explore innovative solutions to manage the agricultural waste produced during farming, harvesting, and shipping, either waste collection, recycling, or utilization strategies.  Your idea can adopt innovative solutions, including bioconversion technologies, organic fertilizer/compost production, waste-to-product innovations, or the use of bioplastics and biodegradable materials. 

  4. Access to finance and marketing options — Challenging financing and traditional marketing strategies place an enormous burden on agricultural stakeholders, who must independently bear the full cost of cultivation while facing considerable financial risks. Your idea can adopt innovative solutions, including monitoring systems for banks’ loans, microfinance platforms, agri-Fintech solutions, community-based financing models, or online marketing platforms.

How does the program support you?

Business & technical training

Throughout the entire program, all teams receive training sessions on related business and technical topics, such as prototyping fundamentals, sustainable development, leadership, digital marketing, communications, etc.

Financial support

Each member of the team that advances to the incubation phase will receive direct financial support of 600 EUR/month for six months to support them in turning their ideas into viable solutions.

Mentoring and coaching

Experts from enpact’s and DROSOS FOUNDATION’s global networks will support the participating teams with dedicated coaching sessions and mentoring from the onset of the pre-incubation phase.


Teams will receive access to workstations and makerspaces throughout the program from the onset of the pre-incubation phase.

Landing pad

Teams will get the opportunity to connect with international experts and potential partners by exploring the European market through a landing pad program in Berlin after completing the incubation phase.

Networking opportunities

Teams will also get the opportunity to take part in key industry events and pitch their solutions to international ecosystem players and investors.

How does it work?

Review the challenges and criteria

Read the challenges and call for ideas carefully, review the requirements, and download the eligibility criteria documentfor more information and easy reference. 

Prepare the needed information

Go through the form once before applying. You will need to prepare a scan of your national ID, your CV/Resume, and a brief of your idea as you apply.

Fill out the application form 

Complete the application form; please note that this is the only way for them to be able to consider your application, as they don’t accept submissions by e-mail or other formats. If you need support with filling in the form, please feel free to reach out to

Join us for an online chat

Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by multiple experts from our team. If your application is eligible, you will be invited to a 30-minute interview to talk more about your idea and why you’d like to join the program.

Check your e-mail

You will receive an e-mail with the status of your application within two weeks. The e-mail will notify you if you are accepted or share feedback in case they are unable to accommodate you in the program. Please make sure to also regularly check spam.

Find out if doroob is the right program for you

  • You are a university student or a recent graduate who is over 18 years old

  • You are Egyptian, or you have a valid Egyptian residency

  • Your innovative idea tackles one of the four challenges directly or indirectly

  • Your innovative idea has the potential for scalability and can benefit from early-stage startup support

In order to promote equity, applicants from underserved groups* as well as applicants whose ideas have the potential to create sustainable social, economic, and/or ecological impact are given additional consideration in the selection process. 

Underserved groups* are defined within the framework of this program as women, people with disabilities, refugees, or people in remote (in reference to the capital city, Cairo) or rural locations in Egypt. 

Program timeline

27 Dec 2023 Call for applications launch.

24 Jan 2024 Applications close. Selection process starts.

17 Feb 2024 Idea Competition (40 teams)

June - November 2024 Incubation & landing pad (4 teams)

March - May 2024 Pre-incubation (8 teams)

Find application form here