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Fintech Accelerator - Fall'23

The AUC Venture Lab Accelerator programme is designed for innovative, tech-enabled, high-growth startups looking to scale and accelerate their growth. And the best part? All our services are offered at ZERO% equity!

You can access a strong network of AUC teachers, alumni, professional mentors, and seasoned investors through our three-month programme. You may now acquire the help and tools you need to establish the next tech unicorn, prepare your company for investment, and plan for the expansion of your startup. Join a community of 300+ businesses that are changing the game by submitting an application to AUC Venture Lab's Startup Accelerator or Fintech Accelerator.

We collaborate with business owners across a wide range of industries, including fintech, healthtech, AI, e-commerce, logistics, IoT, edtech, energy, sustainability, food, creative industries, and more.

To join the Startup Accelerator: Click here