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The Fortune-U.S. Department of State Global Women’s Mentoring Partnership directly supports the United States’ goal of advancing women’s economic empowerment, both locally and globally. This public-private partnership brings emerging women leaders from around the world to the United States for an in-person mentoring program, which will take place Sunday, April 28, 2024, through Saturday, May 18, 2024 (including travel days).

Over the past 17 years, the program has connected more than 380 women from over 58 countries and territories with executive women mentors from the Fortune Most Powerful Women community, resulting in the expansion of professional networks and skill development opportunities for international emerging leaders. Fortune's Most Powerful Women mentors include CEOs and senior executives from some of America's most recognized companies such as Accenture, Johnson & Johnson, and Aetna. The program provides participants with unique opportunities to develop their leadership, management, and business skills while gaining experience in the U.S. business environment. Past participants have expanded their businesses, run for public office in their home countries, won the Goldman Sachs and Fortune Global Women Leaders award, and been nominated for the CNN Heroes awards.

Eligibility / Criteria:

(Applicants must meet the following requirements)

Candidate’s qualifications include:

• An excellent command of the English language, including business-related terms. The participant must be able to converse freely in English with her fellow mentees and mentors.

• A potential for professional growth. Candidates include women who are entrepreneurs, those who work in middle/upper management for non-U.S.-based corporations, or women who run business associations, foundations, or NGOs.

• A demonstrated willingness to participate in exchange programs. Candidates should welcome opportunities for mentoring and new partnership development, and exhibit confidence and maturity.

• Little or no experience living, working, or studying in the United States, including other U.S. funded exchange programs.

• Individuals who currently work for Fortune 500 companies abroad are not eligible.

How to apply

Complete applications must include:

• At least 2 recommendation letters (to be sent to recommenders as part of the application)

• Recent CV/Resume (to be uploaded as part of the application)

• Copy of National ID and/or bio passport page

• Complete Essay questions


Applications are due on December 26th, 2023.

Find application form here