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The Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship seeks to achieve a twin goal of increasing the number of African women leading climate change action and catalyze production of climate solutions that work for women smallholders.

Through this Fellowship, AWARD aims to contribute to equitable rural livelihoods by increasing the number of women leaders in climate change producing innovations that address the diverse needs of smallholders in the African agrifood systems.

The Fellowship will foster production and transfer of context-specific knowledge on climate adaptation technologies to different stakeholders including smallholders, extension workers and policymakers.


  • Strengthen the leadership, mentoring and negotiation skills of African women climate change professionals.

  • Enhance the capabilities of African women and men climate change professionals to incorporate gender in their research and practice.

  • Amplify the voices and increase visibility of African women climate change professionals in global and regional climate change dialogues.

Selection process

This fellowship targets high-potential women climate professionals who will be competitively selected to participate as Climate Fellows. Upon their admission into the Fellowship, the Climate Fellows will be paired with seasoned experts working at the nexus between gender, climate change, and agrifood systems and the Climate Fellows will later select early career climate researchers.

Fellowship Package

The Fellowship is a blended (virtual and face-to-face interventions), non-residential program that will be delivered over a period of two years and will include the following activities:

  • Virtual and in-person training events including training in leadership, negotiation and intergenerational mentoring. They will also attend a course on how to integrate gender in climate change interventions.

  • Group and individual coaching

  • Mentoring program

  • Regular peer-to-peer learning sessions

  • Participate in regular masterclasses

  • Conceptualize and lead collaborative climate projects on gender and climate adaptation known as Climate Research and Innovation Projects (CRIPs).

  • Exposure on emerging trends in gender, climate change and agrifood systems

  • Speaking opportunities to give seminars and other events

  • In-country role modeling events

Participants who complete all the Fellowship activities will receive a certificate of Completion. The Climate Fellows will also join an elite network of experts and food systems champions including AWARD country chapters.


The Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship is open to applicants who meet the criteria below:

  • African women from Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Senegal.

  • African women working various disciplines across gender and climate change.

  • Have at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline in agrifood systems.

  • Have at least five years working experience, demonstrated interest and contribution in gender and climate change.

  • African women at different stages of their professional careers who are actively engaged in finding solutions to the effects of climate change.

  • Participants working in national and international organizations including government agencies and non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.

  • Applicants must reside in an African country throughout the Fellowship period to be eligible


September 10th, 2024

Find application form here